Hello everyone I am MBLAQ’s Thunder!
Eum… Some time ago us MBLAQ finally…. won first place…..
At that time we were really surprised and it did not feel real so we just smiled…..
When the broadcast ended… The moment we entered the waiting room.. Unknowingly my tears came out……….hehe
The reason for that was because I thought of the tiring days we had before, and at the same time… I thought of the people I was thankful to…
And those people, is everyone of you….^^
We started our memories together when we did the song Oh Yeah in front of everyone…
We laughed together for happy things and endured and cried together when things were difficult… And for 5 months everyone, not changing,
being with us and protecting us… And also for giving us our first place…
Words can’t express this, thank you and I love you everyone! ^^
Also, sincerely, sorry… We’ve received so much love but it seems like we’re not repaying half of the love, I’m really sorry..
But I’ll be shameless and ask this from everyone… We will always work hard and progress with even better music and put up better stages
to slowly repay everyone’s kindness… Please be with us by our sides!! You can be without MBLAQ but without everyone
there will not be MBLAQ.. Let’s go on and create more memories~! MBLAQ is not just the 5 of us! It’s everyone of us!
I love you all! Also, really thank you!! ^^

Дуня ♥ ♥ ♥

Please do not take out without credits!
Source – cafe.daum.net/Mblaq/Emjf/55
Translation – whatthecheryl @ Absolute Mblaq
ABM Blog post by liliceprincess @ AbsoluteMBLAQ