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CY Сынхо
2010.04.30 Fri 23:53My grandfather who hated dyeing of hair…
My grandfather who hated earrings..
My grandfather who would switch channels if he saw dancing or singing programs..
My grandfather who hated pizza and hamburgers..
My grandfather who hated writing with left hand..
My grandfather who would always take me along mountain climbing at dawn even though I was tired to death..
My grandfather who was like that, when I became a singer and when we appeared on TV
My grandfather who would look for me and watched on TV
Finally even when he was in the ICU he couldn’t talk
Because I came my grandfather who talked and smiled. My grandmother changed his IV drip and my aunt who gathered all the allowances from a notebook carefully, my grandfather smiled shyly.. My grandfather who was tall and had a big built.. Thank you for smiling to me and told me for the last time to be strong when I went to see him.. If he was around a while longer I would have been able to show him, me getting the first place, and I’m working hard.. My family and grandmother, I will succeed so, don’t worry! I will get first place and I will send it up to the sky to you^^
I love you grandfather I believe you’ll follow the angels and go up to Heaven..
From Yang family eldest son of the eldest son, Seungho
Please credit if taking out!
Source – Seungho’s cyworld
Translations – whatthecheryl @ absolute mblaq
ABM Blog Posted by: justpeachyx21 @ ABM
хехе, я не ошиблась значит шоу, когда видела фотки.
Дуни стал таким красивым!

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какие чувственные фото ♥
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Joon / Honey Abs